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英式没品笑话百科  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-24 21:00
        ☆Since I was born in the year of the monkey, do I have the N-word pass?既然我是猴年出生的,那我是不是能说那个N开头的英语单词了?——BM_Zombie☆I can proove to you that I'm psikick. Right now you're thinking, "This cunt can't spell."我能向你争明我可以毒心。 现在你一定在心里想:“这傻逼是不是不识字儿啊。”——Stallion☆My heart sank as I came home from work and saw the plumber's van parked in our drive. Thankfully though, he was just in there fucking the wife and there was no expensive leak.我下班回家时看到水管工的车停在我们家门口,当时我心就咯噔一下。 幸好他只是来这儿干我老婆的,我家没漏水!——wasp☆I sleep better naked. I just wish the passengers on this bus were a bit more understanding.我光着的时候睡得更香,只能希望这辆 ………………………………

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