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大概是史上平均年龄最大的“女团秀”丨Weekend Where to Go

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-03-20 13:41
People often say they wish they could go to exhibitions I've recommended, but are unable for one reason or another.经常在留言里看到有人说很想去推荐的展览,可惜因为种种原因无法实现。Well, that is not a problem with the exhibition I'm talking about today — because it is entirely virtual.那么今天要特别推荐一个高颜值的展览给大家,无论你在哪儿,只要有手机/电脑/平板,有网络,就可以看。Zhejiang Provincial Museum has mounted an online exhibition, Li Ren Xing, to examine women as they are depicted in classical Chinese paintings. It opened on March 8, International Women's Day, and runs until March 3, 2024.浙江省博在妇女节这天重磅推出了线上展览《丽人行》,汇聚了中国历代流传至今的女性图像,展览将持续整整三年哦!链接:http://www.zhejiangmuseum.com/lrxwap/▲ ………………………………

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