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Call for paper (IF 8.3):截止2024年3月1日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-12 22:59
请关注Brain-X(交叉脑科学)主要聚焦与脑/神经科学有交叉融合的多学科前沿!微信公众号二维码Sensing, Automation, and Robotics for Sustainability of Specialty CropsSpecialty crop production is labor-intensive and faces challenges with declining availability of critical resources especially human labor. Recent advancements in sensors, automation/robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), edge-cloud computing, etc., are having a significant impact on specialty crops. These technologies are leading the transition to a more sustainable, intelligent agri-food systems through on-farm production and post-harvest handling and processing of specialty crops. This Special Issue aims to deepen the understanding of technical challenges, facilitate the applications of sensing and automation/robotics technologies, and stimulate further technological developments for sustainability of specialty crops. Topics of interest include, but are not lim ………………………………

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