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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-23 14:42
挣钱和花钱,哪个能让你对生活更满意?英国国家统计局的调查发现,花钱才能提高你的生活满意度。除了不要做吝啬的葛朗台,健康的身体、幸福的婚姻和良好的经济状况也对生活满意度有积极影响。Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash What you spend rather than what you earn helps to determine how satisfied you are with life, a new study says.一项新研究指出,决定你生活满意度的不是你的收入,而是你的支出。Research from the Office for National Statistics found spending on hotels, restaurants and household furnishings was associated with life satisfaction.英国国家统计局的研究发现,人们在酒店、饭店和家庭装修方面的开支和生活满意度相关。Unsurprisingly, spending on insurance and mobile phones was not.意料之中的是,保险和手机的花费与生 ………………………………

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