专栏名称: 加措上师语录
加措上师语录  ·  怎样才是好人·  17 小时前  
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2018-08-15 08:03
幸福不是大悲大喜幸福也不需要轰轰烈烈它就像藏在云层后的点点星光需要我们用心灵去触摸当我们放开成见和狭隘内心宁静地面对人和事的时候你会发现谁的祝福都温暖谁的问候都温馨谁的握手都真挚谁的微笑都充满善意人生其实不苦心纠结才苦道路其实都在是路都好走在路上就好---加措活佛Happiness is not about great sorrows and tremendous exultations, nor does it need overwhelming excitement. Happiness is like the starlight that hides among the layers of clouds; it is something we use our souls to make contact with. When we let go of prejudice and narrow thinking, we will peacefully deal with other people and things. You will realize that anyone's blessing is filled with warmth, anyone's greetings is kind, anyone's handshakes are sincere, anyone's smile is full of good intentions. ………………………………

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