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《借我一双翅膀》预告片 | 雪山云海之上,守护“高原神鸟”黑颈鹤

CGTN  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-06-30 19:05
在青海果洛的年保玉则地区,繁衍栖息着近百只黑颈鹤。从2011年开始,16位当地藏族牧民——其中15位是女性,自愿承担起守护年保玉则地区黑颈鹤的职责。在生态环境如此脆弱的高原地区,这些牧民们依照古老的智慧,与野生动物们共生共存。纪录片《借我一双翅膀》将于6月30日23:00在CGTN 纪录片频道首播,并将于7月2日13:00在CGTN英语频道的《环球纪实》栏目播出,讲述牧民与黑颈鹤的故事。Nyanpo Yuzee in Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, is an important breeding ground for close to a hundred black-necked cranes. A group of 16 local herders, 15 of them women, serve as volunteer wardens protecting the region's cranes. In the fragile environment high on the plateau, they are demonstrating how human beings should coexist with the wildlife around them. "The Call of the Plateau" will premiere on CGTN Documentary on June 30 at 11:00 ………………………………

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