专栏名称: 收藏微世界
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收藏微世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-19 10:25
藏品紧急征集中,瓷器、玉器、青铜器,古玉,古钱币。化石,陨石  铜鎏金镇运铜锭精品推荐Recommendation of Fine Copper Ingots for Gold Plating人们认为元宝是财富的象征,也是居家求福求财、镇宅求安宁的富贵吉祥物,元宝镇宅、富而有德、能长能久、圆满人生,千百年来,元宝一直被当作财富储藏起来,是中华民族独有的财富象征People think that silver ingot is a symbol of wealth, and is also a lucky mascot for seeking happiness and wealth at home and peace at home. silver ingot is a unique symbol of wealth for the Chinese nation for thousands of years, because it is rich and virtuous, can last for a long time and has a satisfactory life. 清代铜鎏金,像这样的铜鎏金,它身上聚集了岁月积淀,同时又有历史文化,自然超越了足金本身,Copper gi ………………………………

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