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TED-Ed教育演讲 | 阅读《坎特伯雷故事集》需要了解的知识

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-01-22 10:33
【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容(视频请点击最下方原文链接观看)A portly Miller, barely sober enough to sit on his horse,一位发福的磨坊主,勉强清醒地坐在他的马上,rambles on about the flighty wife of a crotchety old carpenter and the scholar she takes as her lover.唠叨着一位坏脾气老木匠的轻浮妻子和她的学者情人。To get some time alone together,为了获得独处的时间,the scholar and the wife play various tricks that involve feigning madness, staging a biblical flood, and exposing themselves in public.这位学者和木匠的妻子耍了各种花招,比如假装发疯,上演圣经中洪水的场景,以及在公共场合赤身裸体。But the parish clerk is also lusting after the wife, and comes by every night to ………………………………

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