专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2018-07-22 07:58
人生在世各人有各人的因缘各人有各人的机遇有的人一生一帆风顺有的人一生跌宕起伏有的人一生平平淡淡普普通通不管人生处于何种境地都不要放弃不要抱怨更不要嫉恨不贪,不嗔,不求,就会知足知足自然常乐知足心就会变得安宁用平淡心处世生活怎能不恬静快乐呢---加措活佛In life, every individual hashis/her own karma and opportunities. Some have lives that are smooth and easy,while others live lives full of twists and turns. Still others have lives thatare calm and ordinary. No matter what one’s life is like, one should not giveup, should not complain, should not envy or hate. Those who do not crave, getangry, or make demands, will be content with their lot. Contentment will bringfrequent happiness, and contentment will bring peace. Living life in a calmway, how can one not be pea ………………………………

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