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Final Rites(2)

英文短篇小说  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-01 11:24
WE DROVE MOST of the way back to town in silence, each of us in his own thoughts. “Paulie said they were here, and then they left,” I said finally. “You get anything from Hector?” “Nope, and I don’t think he’ll vote for me in the next election, either. He said he wasn’t here the day of the funeral. That about wrap it up for you? I can’t think of anyone else.” “I can’t, either. Look, I appreciate your help on this thing.” “No charge,” he sighed, “it comes with the territory. You know, if I’d been awake when you came in this morning, I could have saved us some running around. The Costas are a hard lot, all of ’em, and they grew up around here. There’s no way anything could have happened to ’em in a place like Algoma.” “You’re probably right,” I said. “Still, checking things out is part of the job. Paulie mentioned a funera ………………………………

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