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双语阅读:刷爆朋友圈的"漂浮早餐"为什么这么火? (1)

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-07-06 21:15
If you follow luxury resorts or travel influencers on Instagram, odds are good that you've seen at least one "floating breakfast." 如果你关注过Instagram上的豪华度假地或旅游网红,你极有可能至少看到过一次“漂浮早餐”。 In case you're not familiar with them, here's what to know: they're your typical upscale hotel room service breakfast-- think toast, fruit, coffee and the like -- served in a pool or hot tub instead of in bed. Usually, they're placed on large platters or colorful baskets, then accessorized with bright tropical flowers to make them even more photogenic. 若是你对漂浮早餐没有概念,这里简单介绍一下:这是高档酒店客房服务一般都会提供的早餐——吐司、水果、咖啡等等,不过,这些早餐不是在床上享用,而是在泳池或注满热水的浴缸中享用的。漂浮早餐通常 ………………………………

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