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《哈佛商业评论》( Harvard Business Review,简称 HBR )创建于1922年,是哈佛商学院的标志性杂志,被全球商界誉为“管理圣经”,众多耳熟能详的管理思想家、管理理论均出自《哈佛商业评论》。更多管理智慧,请登录官方网站:www.hbrchina.org。
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双语哈评 |怎样判断一个人的领导力?看脸

哈佛商业评论  · 公众号  · 商业  · 2018-08-09 08:00
Evolutionary biologists have learned that people with greater “genetic fitness,” as manifested by a high degree of left-right body symmetry, are not just considered better looking but also tend to be healthier, more intelligent, and more dominant than others. They’re the classic alphas who rise to the top of rigidly hierarchical organizations such as the military.进化生物学家发现“基因适存度”更高的人,即身体左右高度对称的人,不仅在他人眼中更好看,还更健康、更聪明、更有领导力。这类人能在军队之类等级森严的组织中,一路升至领导位置,是典型的阿尔法类型。symmetry:n.对称性hierarchical:adj.分层的,分等级的But our research shows that people with subtle asymmetries—for example, imbalances in ear or finger length—are often better “transformational” leaders, able to i ………………………………

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