专栏名称: 古董艺术收藏家
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古董艺术收藏家  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-13 21:09
              藏品交易顾问巫总:18124194293说到酒后英雄最典型的的莫过于武松了,武松打老虎从古流传到今天,也是家喻户晓了。不过今天木子要分享的也是挺传奇的。一位美女酒后又控制不住了,20万买下了一块翡翠原石,原石出自木那场口,皮壳完整无裂,品相还好。也不算大,重2.8公斤。Speaking of the most typical drunken hero wusong, wusong tiger from ancient times to today, is also a household name. But today, what muko is going to share is legendary. A beauty drinks wine again uncontrollable, 200,000 bought a piece of jade raw stone, raw stone from the mouth of wood, skin and shell integrity, good appearance. It's not huge. It weighs 2.8 kilograms.压灯通透,整个通透无比像一个大灯笼,隐隐看到一抹抹绿色漂浮。Press the lamp to connect full ………………………………

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