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【生信文献200篇】12 在KRAS-TRP53基因驱动的LADC依赖于rRNA的合成依赖于Ect2基因

生信菜鸟团  · 公众号  · 生物  · 2021-02-06 21:00
00 文章信息英文标题:Ect2-Dependent rRNA Synthesis Is Required for KRAS-TRP53-Driven Lung Adenocarcinoma中文标题:Ect2依赖的rRNA合成是KRAS-TRP53驱动的肺腺癌所必需的期刊:《Cancer Cell》影响因子:26.602    发表时间:2017 Feb 13研究领域:肿瘤DOI号:10.1016/j.ccell.2016.12.01001 文献概述In BriefJustilien et al. reveal that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Ect2 is required for tumor initiation in a nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma model and uncover a nuclear role for Ect2 in promoting rDNA transcription, which is important for transformation, through a mechanism involving Rac1, NPM, and UBF1.译文:Justilen等人。揭示了鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子ect2在非小细胞肺癌模型中是肿瘤启动所必需的,并揭示了ect2通过一种涉及rac1、NPM和UBF1的机制在促进rDNA转录中的核作用,而rDNA转 ………………………………

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