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东南大学图书馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-13 13:50
欢迎踏入车辆工程的奇妙世界,在这个充满机械魅力与创新精神的领域中,无数热爱汽车的人们正用智慧和汗水塑造着未来的出行方式。本期图书汇聚了行业专家的智慧与经验,期望为你提供宝贵的实践指导和案例分析。通过阅读这些图书,你将更好地把握车辆工程的发展趋势,激发创新思维,为未来的车辆工程事业贡献自己的力量。让我们一起踏上这场车辆工程的探索之旅吧,让知识照亮你的前行之路。一Automobile Engineering【作者】:Ramakrishna【出版物信息】:McGraw Hill【简介】:The book is an excellent introduction to the anatomy of an automobile and the functions of its major and minor components. It brings together all the conventional and modern concepts in automobile engineering in a clear, practical style appropriately supported by line sketches, isometric views, cut-away diagrams and photographs. All the recent advances in a ………………………………

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