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每周检视提醒 | Weekly Review Reminder

GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-02 13:35
你永远无法从不要的东西中得到满足。你永远不可能工作得足够努力,足够长和足够快。消除这些行为能减少压力和不舒服。你的每周检视能缓解你的节奏。You can never get enough of what you don't really need. And you can never work hard enough, long enough, or fast enough, to eliminate the stress or discomfort that drives those behaviors. Your Weekly Review brings a much-needed break in the pace.无论是在学校、大学、教堂还是市场,极度忙碌都是缺乏生机的表现"Extreme busyness, whether at school or college, kirk or market, is a symptom of deficient vitality."– Robert Lewis StevensonWeekly Review Steps每周检视步骤(点击见大图 Click for full image)Guided Weekly Review Podcast  每周检视指导播客 ………………………………

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