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道琼斯风险合规  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-07 00:00
美联储副主席Randal Quarles。 图片来源:JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERSThe Federal Reserve is expected to complete some of the most significant changes to bank rules since President Trump took office, setting up a new way of deciding which large banks are hit with its toughest regulations.美国联邦储备委员会(简称:美联储)将会推出美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)上任以来最重要的一些银行规则改革,设立新的方式来决定要针对哪些大银行实施其最严格的监管规定。The Fed announced last Thursday it would vote Oct. 10 on a measure to ease liquidity and capital rules for large U.S. banks, signing off on a plan that may lower regulatory costs for regional U.S. lenders under the $700 billion asset line. Foreign banks with operations in the U.S. are also expected to win relief.美联储上周四宣布,将于10月10日就 ………………………………

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