专栏名称: 人类学之滇
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Discrimination and Social Exclusion in the Outbreak of COVID-19

人类学之滇  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-30 23:07


Abstract: This paper is aimed to document the observed social exclusion and discrimination in the outbreak of COVID-19 across the world and inside of China. Discrimination and social exclusion has occurred in various forms, while 25.11% of respondents overseas experienced discrimination in the breakout of COVID-19, and 90% of respondents inside of China exhibited discriminatory attitudes. The discrimination and social exclusion also lead to a range of damaging social outcomes. Thus, this is an urgent call for the inclusiveness in policy and media in the face of this public health emergency. Keywords: discrimination; social exclusion; coronavirus 1. Introduction The COVID-19 virus, previously known as 2019-nCov, was first found in late December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China [1], before it rapidly spread across the entire country and then the world. As of 15 April 2020, ………………………………

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