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哈佛David Sinclair课题组招聘博士后,需生物信息背景

学术经纬  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2018-09-13 11:41
药明康德/报道Job descriptionComputational Biology/Bioinformatics Post-doctoral position available immediatelyTo apply, send cover letter and CV to luis_rajman@hms.harvard.eduWe are seeking a talented, highly motivated individual to join the laboratory of Professor David Sinclair in the Genetics Department at Harvard Medical School, Boston. The Sinclair lab is known for their work on genes and small molecules that delay aging and treat age-related diseases. The lab has a wide range or expertise and interests, including cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, and fertility.We are seeking a talented individual with a background in computational biology or bioinformatics. The position offers an opportunity to work with an engaged group of scientists and participate in cutting-edge research combining proteomics and genomics. The ideal candidate will have experience working with linu ………………………………

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