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【译文1148】Facebook和苹果的“隐私之战”,到底在争什么? @ 林禹 |0207

炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-07 22:16
课程导读日前,苹果更新了自己的隐私政策,限制了互联网企业对用户数据的收集。这项更新阻碍了很多企业的个性化广告推送,而这正是Facebook的主要收入来源。作为反击,Facebook在美国的主流报纸上刊登了大幅“宣言”,表示要代表小企业对抗来自苹果公司的垄断。苹果为什么要推行这项新政策?这一矛盾意味着这两家公司怎样的分歧?英文原文Facebook Said to Consider Suing Apple Over App Store Practices By Mike Isaac and Daisuke Wakabayashi Facebook has considered filing an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, two people familiar with the deliberations said, a move that could escalate tensions between two of the world's most powerful technology companies. Apple prefers that consumers pay for their internet experience, leaving less need for advertisers. In contrast, ………………………………

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