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Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2024-03-29 14:02
▲Quora文选第1069篇(504字) | #Quora文选 (文末领“资源”)What is something you will never understand?Bas Leijser · Writer, mountaineer, coffee addict, engineer115.4k Views · 11.7k UpvotesThisIt takes nine months for you to be born. It takes about 20 years for you to mature into an adult. Some people need a bit longer.人的出生需要九个月,成熟为成年人大约需要二十年时间。有些人可能需要更长的时间。But then you risk throwing it all away in a single moment.但是,你可能会在一瞬间将这一切都付之东流。Was sending that text really more important than paying attention in traffic?难道发送那条短信真的比在同行中保持注意力更重要吗?Not to mention that, especially if you’re texting in a car, it might be someone else’s life that you’re taking away.更不用说,如果你在车里发短信,可能会危及他人的生命。You cannot convince me that all these texts are about emergency situatio ………………………………

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