专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)唯一官方公众号,分享他见过的人、读过的书和学到的功课,内容包括全球健康、能源创新、教育改革和读书笔记等。
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环游世界各地的100座小小免费图书馆 | 盖茨书单

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2022-11-28 17:00
There are few things I love more than discovering a new book to read. And in communities around the world, one of the best ways to find a new book is through a Little Free Library.没有什么事情比发现一本新书更让我喜欢的了。在世界各地的社区中,找到新书的最好方法之一就是通过一座座小小免费图书馆。For those who aren’t familiar, the concept is simple: People place small bookcases that are protected from the elements in front of their homes or in other public spaces. The idea is that anyone can take or leave a book at any time, effectively creating a new book exchange that everyone can participate in. It’s an amazing way to encourage reading and make books accessible to more people. A lot of Little Free Libraries are highly decorated, so they make neighborhoods more beautiful, too. (The first one, which was created in 2009, looked like a little red schoolhouse.)对于那些不熟悉这些图书馆的人来说,这个理念很简 ………………………………

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