专栏名称: 英文悦读
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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-09-19 21:32
这是“读外刊,学英文句型”栏目的第十五期,关于该栏目第一期的说明可以见如何通过阅读外刊积累英文写作句型?1.某件事说明了……我在之前的系列中曾经介绍过一种段落连接的方法,即在下一段的开头通过重复+倒装的形式来实现自然衔接。这里又有一个新的例子:IT SAYS something about the power Les Moonves wielded in the entertainment industry that one bombshell report of allegations by multiple women of sexual misconduct and harassment could not dislodge him as chairman and chief executive of CBS. Instead, it took two.But fall he finally did. On September 9th Mr Moonves, long considered one of the most astute executives in the media business, was forced out hours after the New Yorker reported allegations that he sexually assaulted or harassed six women in incidents dating from the 19 ………………………………

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