专栏名称: 昨日之世界
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昨日之世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-01 15:22
点击上方公众号可以关注哦!      听到国庆节,大家也许会想到气势磅礴的阅兵式,街上绵延不绝的国旗;又或是商场里打折甩卖的促销牌,旅游景区摩肩接踵的人群…… 但无论如何,国庆节都是每个国家最重要的节日之一,承载着国家精神;又因各国国庆节不尽相同,其精神内涵也是各有各的特色。When we hear the word “national day”, what we will think of probably is a magnificent parade, the waving flags on the street, those discountable billboards that hang in the shopping mall, and the pressing throng in the scenic. The National Day is one of the most important festivals in every country because it carries the spirit of the great state and its people. Besides, every country has its own way to celebrate it, so that the meaning of National Days contain also vary.第一个 ………………………………

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