专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
知名教育博主 泛科普视频自媒体 Stay calm, stay cool and stay well — 24小时内国外最新纪录片和其他资源
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2019-07-22 20:10
2019-07-22 20:10 本条微博链接 【连载】【纪录片.BBC.兄弟演唱组:喝彩停止之后.Bros.After.the.Screaming.Stops.2018】兄弟(Bros)乐队组建于1986年,成员Matt和Luke Goss是双胞胎兄弟,曾经红极一时,1992年乐队解散。本片讲述28年后兄弟重聚。A站英字已发。官网简介:A film charting Matt and Luke Goss's reunion 28 years on from when they were one of the biggest bands in the world. The Gross twins have hardly spoken and not played together since their split. With an incredibly fractured relationship and only thre ………………………………

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