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Reaching for the Sun, Step 2: Respiration (3)

壹德eReader  · 公众号  ·  · 2016-12-18 17:13
Respiratory Chain: Except for releasing energy, it can also...-manufacture waxes, pigments, hormones, fats, oils...-produce amino acids and the basic components of DNA and RNA    总之还有很多作用 (There are other uses as well)Rate of Respiration:1. Day/Night: ∵when stored sugar decreases, respiration descrease∴respiration fastest just after sundown, lowest just before sunrise2. Shade/Sun:    More exposure to light, faster the respiration3. Fruit ripening (climacteric):    Young fruit: more respiration    Mature fruit: less respiration(for some fruit, when approaching full ripeness, respiration rate will increase sharply, known as the climacteric rise)Question: Mature fruits usually have more stored sugar. This seems to contradict with the previous assumptions.Oxygen depletion:-∵for plants growing in wetlands, the roots may be immersed in water ………………………………

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