口语积累 broke,strapped, tight on money 情景应用 形容“很穷”可以用broke(身无分文),strapped(拮据的,缺钱的),tight on money(手头紧张)等词来表示,也可以说barely making ends meet(勉强维持生计) I'm broke. I can't even afford a decent meal. 我身无分文,甚至买不起一顿像样的饭菜。 I'm strapped for cash right now. I can't afford any luxuries. 我现在手头紧张,买不起任何奢侈品。 I'm really tight on money these days. I have to watch every penny. 我最近真的很缺钱,我得节衣缩食。 I can barely cover my basic expenses. 我也就勉强够基本生活。 I'm barely making ends meet. I can't afford any extras right now. 我现在勉强维持生计,买不起任何额外的东西。 I'm struggling financially. 我在经济上很困难。 I'm financially strapped at the moment. I need to cut back on expenses. 我目前经济拮据,需要削减开支。 而手头很宽裕可以这