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我爱背单词  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-10-19 14:00
cannibal  /ˈkænɪbl/IELTS丨TOEFL丨专八 基本释义 Cannibals are people who eat the flesh of other human beings. n. 食人族 外刊例句 It would be kind of an ironic thing, if a disease was coming into this caterpillar population and the plants caused them to become more cannibalistic and that prevented the disease from coming in and actually ended up worse for the plant than it was in the first place. Worse for the plant because the cannibal behavior caused the caterpillar population to wind up up healthier—and hungrier.这会是一件很有讽刺意味的事。如果一种疾病本应该进入这种毛毛虫种群,然而由于这些植物使得毛毛虫变得更愿同类相食,从而阻止疾病进入该种群,最后导致最终情况对这些植物来说更糟。之所以对这种植物来说会变得更糟,是因为同类相食的行为最终会导致毛毛虫变得更加健康,也更加饥饿。《科学美国人》 追根溯源 哥伦布第一次 ………………………………

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