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The Self-Cultivation of Leeks (2)

学习学习再学习  · 公众号  · 学习  · 2019-01-13 11:58
版权声明本文首发于微信公共帐号: 学习学习再学习(xiaolai-xuexi) 请注意: 无需授权即可转载; 甚至无需保留以上版权声明……《韭菜的自我修养》英文版翻译:John Gordan (王渊源,微信公共账号:清晨朗读会)1. Who are the “leeks” that they are really referring to?Are you really a leek? It’s really hard to say. Because very few people can clearly describe what the precise definition of “leek” actually is. However, from the way that people often use it in sentences, we can tell that “leek” usually refers to individual investors with limited power and resources in the markets. For instance, “I am a new leek”, or “they are all old leeks”. On the other side of leeks are the “big players”, which refers to large investors with extensive resources in markets.In markets, people make money ………………………………

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