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你可能想不到,睡眠不足的危害究竟有多大! | 周末双语学习

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-11-26 16:30
China DailyRead English news every day!关注众多科学研究显示,人们的睡眠时间与寿命长短存在很大关系。这些研究的结果都表明:睡眠越少,寿命越短。加州大学伯克利分校人类睡眠科学中心的主任马修•沃克在接受《卫报》采访时解释说,睡眠不足会引发疾病。Through his work, he's determined that people who don't get enough sleep tend to be less healthy and have lower energy levels than those who get the recommended amount of shut eye per night.沃克通过研究发现,与睡眠足够的人相比,那些每晚睡眠不足的人往往健康状况不佳,精力不足。After analyzing the results of 20 separate studies, he's found a strong correlation between how much people sleep and how long they live. In summary: The less you sleep, the shorter your life will be.他分析了20个独立的 ………………………………

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