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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-16 15:35
导读 瑞士当地时间1月15日,瑞士联邦最高法院发布新闻公报,由于国际体育仲裁法庭仲裁小组中的一名仲裁员存在偏见和歧视,瑞士联邦最高法院决定撤销国际体育仲裁法庭对中国游泳运动员孙杨的8年禁赛处罚,国际体育仲裁法庭需要组建一个新的仲裁小组重新作出判决。The Swiss supreme court has explained the reason it referred back Sun Yang's case, saying tweets by the president of the panel of arbitrators at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) — the Italian Franco Frattini — had exhibited possible bias against Chinese people.The court said Sun appealed the case last April to the Swiss Federal Tribunal to annul the award rendered on Feb. 28, 2020, and submitted an application for review on the award.The court upheld Sun's appeal as it found the tweets of Franco Frattini about ………………………………

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