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腾讯时尚  · 公众号  · 时尚  · 2018-10-17 10:03
10 月 15 日,英国王室通过官网 Instagram 与官方 Twitter 公布了一则重大喜讯:今年 5 月举行王室大婚的哈里王子与梅根王妃将于 2019 年春天迎来他们的第一个孩子!这对从一开始就在向全世界人民大秀恩爱的王室CP,仍在续写着他们的爱情童话。王室公告的原文是这样写的:Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019. Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public. 苏塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人非常高兴地宣布,苏塞克斯公爵夫人将于 2019 年春天迎来第一个孩子。哈里夫妇很感激自他们结婚以来收到 ………………………………

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