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神秘奇妙的“仙境森林”之旅 | Hotel Labaris

景观周  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2022-05-23 16:59
Hotel Labaris 拉巴里斯酒店总平面图区位图整体鸟瞰图Hotel Labaris 酒店是一个度假项目,坐落在一片狭长的土地上,周围环绕着迷人的呵叻山脉。周围大自然迷人而神秘的气氛激发了“仙境森林”的设计理念,融合了考艾郁郁葱葱的自然风光特点和神奇的英式花园特色,在这片奇妙美丽的土地上,带来冒险体验。HotelLabaris is a resort project situated on a narrow land plot that is embraced byfascinating mountains of Nakhon Ratchasima. The enchanting and mysterious vibeof surrounding nature inspires a design concept of ‘Fairy Forest’ which is ablend of Khao Yai’s lush nature, and an accent of magical English garden,resulting in an adventurous experience in a mysterious, stunning and wonderfulmagical land.项目共分为四个区域,贯穿着“迷宫”这一独特的概念特征,每个区域分别讲述童话故事的一章。因此,每个区域的迷宫设计都不 ………………………………

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