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BBC | 任正非:不用担心,我们早有准备

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-29 19:00
The founder of Huawei has said the US “underestimates” the Chinese telecom makers’s strength and that conflict with the US is inevitable in the quest to “stand on top of the world”.华为创始人表示,美国“低估”了中国电信制造商的实力,在寻求“站在世界之巅”的过程中,与美国的冲突是不可避免的。Ren Zhengfei said his company was fully prepared to face US bans on key components following new trade restrictions caused by Donald Trump’s declaration of a national economic emergency last week.任正非表示,在特朗普上周宣布进入国家经济紧急状态,并对关键零部件实施了新的贸易限制后,华为完全做好了面对美国禁令的准备。“The current practice of US politicians underestimates our strength,” Ren told Chinese media on Tuesday. “Huawei’s 5G will absolutely not be affected. ………………………………

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