专栏名称: 狗熊有话说
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后疫情时代的职业策略(活动实录-播客355) / 狗熊有话说

狗熊有话说  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-05-13 08:06
注:本期节目是全英文的在线分享录音,针对新西兰本地职场人士及部分华人分享了我的求职策略,以帮助大家面对疫情时期的职业冲击。本次活动由奥克兰的人生教练Ciao Chen主持,我是分享嘉宾。在本期节目的前12分钟,是我用中文讲述的简介。微信限制只能插入60分钟以内的音频,若想收听完整节目,请前往 Podcasts 或其他音频播客平台搜索「狗熊有话说」收听。This one is the audio record of an online event I did a couple of weeks ago about strategies for career transition post-COVID-19. The first 12 minutes of the podcast is the brief in Chinese. After that, you can listen to the whole record.Description for the event:Bear will share his story about how he completed his career transition within 5 months with "no kiwi experience", "no good English" and little ………………………………

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