专栏名称: 史秀雄Steve
作家 代表作《假性亲密关系》 专注中国年轻人情感婚恋、心理健康和个人成长等问题的心理学专业人士 公众号:sxxsteve 知乎:Steve Shi
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史秀雄Steve  · 微博  · 两性  · 2019-02-13 13:10
2019-02-13 13:10 本条微博链接 今天读了一篇Medium上面的专栏文章很有意思,核心观点如下:“If groupthink is what happens when people pick and choose their facts, groupfeel is what happens when there aren’t enough facts to work with and we substitute emotion for logic and write off reality as a technicality. That leads to a devastating sort of moral riddle.” 来源:Meghan Daum 网页链接“如果说群体思维让人们有选择性地看事实,那么群体情绪会让人们在事实不足的时候用情绪替代逻辑,让现实成为诠 ………………………………

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