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新作丨悠然之境:比亚迪仰望深圳南山展厅店 / 格外空间

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-04-17 09:30
仰望是比亚迪集团旗下高端新能源汽车品牌,依托比亚迪集团创新汽车技术、顶尖工业体系实力、前瞻性设计,为用户提供超越想象的高端车产品。仰望将以颠覆性的超级技术与产品,构建专属于新能源汽车时代的高端品牌。YangWang is a high-end new energy vehicle brand under BYD Group, relying on BYD Group's innovative automotive technology, top-notch industrial system strength, and forward-looking design to provide users with high-end car products beyond imagination. Looking forward to building a high-end brand exclusive to the era of new energy vehicles with disruptive super technology and products.2022-2024年,格外空间携手仰望进行终端全店型标准化设计(SI),其中包括以下原型店:10000+㎡4S店、2000+㎡城市展厅PLUS店、600+㎡城市展厅店、300+㎡商超展示店。From 2022-2024, inDareSpace joins hands with Yangwang to carry out the standardised design (SI) of the whole ………………………………

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