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CGTN  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-07-24 22:29
7月24日14时22分,搭载问天实验舱的长征五号B遥三运载火箭,在我国文昌航天发射场点火发射。问天实验舱与火箭成功分离并进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功。China successfully launched its space station lab module Wentian, the largest spacecraft ever developed by the country, into orbit on Sunday afternoon. The Long March-5B Y3 rocket, carrying Wentian (which means "quest for the heavens"), blasted off at 2:22 p.m. Beijing Time from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province.在发射入轨的大约13个小时后,问天实验舱将与天和核心舱在太空进行交会对接。In the next few hours, the Wentian will rendezvous and dock with the Tianhe core module in orbit, forming the second part of China's three-module space station.“太空新家”究竟有多厉害,几项新纪录了解一下:1. 问天实验舱是中国空间站的首个实验舱,中国空间站总体构型是三 ………………………………

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