专栏名称: BIOFACH上海有机展
BIOFACH CHINA中国国际有机产品博览会将于2019年5月16-18日在上海世博展览馆举办。
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BIOFACH上海有机展  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-19 15:20
感谢各位亲们百忙之中参与本次调查问卷,也感谢大家对森力佳产品的支持。此次调研的目的是为了更好的优化和调整产品优惠力度、服务质量等,希望大家如实填写,辛苦各位。机会难得,赶快行动吧!截止日期10.31Thank you all for your precious time and support for Synergetic. For better products for Synergetic  this research is to optimize and adjust the product preferential strength, service quality and so on. I hope you can fill in it truthfully and work hard.  This is your chance for free Synergetic products. Let's go! This questionnaire will be expire before 31th October and please fill out before deadline and win presents.我们将随机抽取 75瓶予以赠送,早到早得。价值36元 芦荟洗洁精500mlWe will give 75 bottles of 500 ml Aloe Vera Detergent. 戳链接或扫码填写You can simp ………………………………

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