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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-23 17:34
导读 近日,由北京大学体育教研部助理教授张晓圆主讲的《体能提升:运动与膳食》课程火出圈了。“北大体育”微信公众号发文介绍,这门“神奇”的课程帮助三分之一的选课学生减重5%以上,半数学生的腰围降低5厘米以上,成效显著。In a classroom filled with eager students, the lecture on exercise and nutrition is in full swing. Meanwhile, on the sports field, students are jogging, and in the training center, they are learning rock climbing. In the cafeteria, teachers guide students on healthy diet. This is not just any ordinary class at the Peking University, but a groundbreaking course titled "Physical Fitness Enhancement: Exercise and Diet," which has become the talk of the town among students as the ultimate "weight loss miracle class."Unlike traditional physical education classes, the course aims to teach students how to achieve weight loss goals in a scientific and healthy manner, the Beijing You ………………………………

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