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英文讲学  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-25 08:28
本专栏前三期给大家梳理了范冰冰逃税案、英国首相特丽莎梅在脱欧中的挣扎以及英文媒体对热播剧《延禧攻略》的报道。品读外刊学写作|一、特丽莎·梅,绝处逢生?国外媒体如何报道范冰冰逃税风波国内外英文媒体如何报道热播剧《延禧攻略》作为二零一八年考研时政热点,港珠澳大桥同样受到世界瞩目。本期我们将梳理各家英文媒体对港珠澳大桥的报道中,可积累的优秀表达。《经济学人》相关报道梳理与讲解 ① A great phalanx of Chinese politicians turned up this week to open the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge, connecting Hong Kong with the mainland city of Zhuhai and the former Portuguese colony of Macau. ② The throng of Communist grandees, who strode into the opening ceremony with President Xi Jinping at their head, was f ………………………………

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