专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
知名教育博主 泛科普视频自媒体 Stay calm, stay cool and stay well — 24小时内国外最新纪录片和其他资源
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2019-06-12 21:29
2019-06-12 21:29 本条微博链接 【57分钟英字完整版】【纪录片.BBC.苏格兰英雄:女足法兰西之路.Scotland's.Heroes.The.Road.to.France.2019】2019年,苏格兰女足首次打入世界杯。本片采访教练、队员,从日常的点点滴滴中描绘女足个人、团队的奋斗历史。官网简介:Documentary explaining everything you need to know about the Scotland team and their chances ahead of the World Cup.The film pieces together the players’ humble beginnings and how they came to be part of the footballing elite. Featuring Kim Little, Er ………………………………

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