专栏名称: 英文悦读
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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-11-01 22:02
这是“读外刊,学英文句型”栏目的第二十期,关于该栏目第一期的说明可以见如何通过阅读外刊积累英文写作句型?1.在两者之间取得妥协要表达“在……和……之间取得妥协”,常见的说法是make a trade-off between A and B,例如:Today’s knowledge workers often find it difficult to make a trade-off between work and family responsibilities. 这里介绍一个新的说法:Aides said he was not seeking to take a harder line on law and order issues to appease critics of his "hug a hoodie" philosophy from the Tory right. Instead he will try to find a middle ground between those who call for tougher sentencing and others who want to see more rehabilitation of offenders. He will say that the commonsense approach is to do both.第二句有这样的说法:…he will try to find a middle ground between those who c ………………………………

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