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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-07 12:02
春节即将来临,而瞄准春节假期的各大影片已打响预售战。截至6日,春节档预售总票房已突破4亿。其中《唐人街探案3》预售接近3亿,占比超七成,《你好,李焕英》、《刺杀小说家》分列二、三位。既然要就地过年了,戴好口罩去电影院或许是个解闷的好法子。我们也提前为读者们整理好了“春节档”热门影片的片单。1《唐人街探案3》Detective Chinatown 3As the third installment of director Chen Sicheng's Detective Chinatown franchise, the film was scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 作为陈思诚导演“唐探宇宙”的第三部,该片原计划在去年春节期间上映,但因新冠疫情暴发而推迟。Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the ………………………………

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