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China, ROK, Japan should boost global development

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2023-04-03 16:09
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the international community has encountered at least four crises: a human crisis because of the COVID-19 pandemic, an international security crisis following the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a global order crisis due to the US-China competition, and a global economic crisis because of rising protectionism and unilateralism in many countries.The four crises have had a huge impact on economic globalization, and it appears we are walking toward "non-globalization", if not "anti-globalization".In such a situation, tensions cannot be eased in Northeast Asia. The intense competition between the US and China raised tensions between China and other countries in the region, including the Republic of Korea and Japan. And non-institutionalized US-ROK-Japan cooperation is going beyond the institutionalized ROK-China-Japan relations represented by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.Ironically, the trilateral ROK-China-Japan relationship in Northeast Asia has ………………………………

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