专栏名称: 社会学研究杂志
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JCS Focus | The Sociological Review最新目录及摘要

社会学研究杂志  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2024-05-22 18:00
JCS Focus——本周JCS Focus将继续为大家推荐社会学·国际顶刊The Sociological Review最新目录及摘要期刊简介The Sociological Review 自创刊以来致力于稳固其综合性社会学期刊的定位,发表高质量、具有创新性的文章。TSR关注包括犯罪、教育、性别、医学和组织在内的所有社会学分支领域,并延伸到人类学、哲学以及社会学方法。The Sociological Review为双月刊,最新一期(Volume 72 Issue 3, May 2024)共12篇文章,详情如下。原版目录ARTICLESAn ontological turn in the sociology of personal life: Tracing facet methodology’s connective ontology James Rupert FletcherThe sociology of personal life (SPL) has been largely untouched by sociology’s ontological turn. A few scholars have attempted to retrofit SPL and new-materialist ideas, but these limited attempts have overlooked the potential for SPL to furnish its own definitive ontological contributions in dialogue with the wid ………………………………

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