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猫咪老师的每日英语笔记  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-04-07 08:14
VORvor词根源于拉丁语vorare,意为“吃”,在英语中,-ivorous后缀一般指吃某种东西的人,比如frugivorous [fruː'dʒɪvərəs]=fruit-eating( 以果实为食的),granivorous [græ'nɪv(ə)rəs]=grain-eating(食谷类的),graminivorous [ɡræmɪ'nɪvərəs]=grass-eating(食草的),insectivorous [,ɪnsek'tɪv(ə)rəs]=insect-eating(食虫的).1carnivorous[kɑː'nɪv(ə)rəs] 食肉的例1:The dragonfly lives up to its name by being a carnivorous terror that can pluck its prey out of midair at speeds up to 30 miles per hour.蜻蜓是个名副其实的食肉杀手,它能以快达30英里/小时的速度在半空中撕扯猎物。dragonfly:蜻蜓live up to:不辜负、做到live up to one's name:名副其实pluckv. 揪、扯、拉pluck one's eyebrows:修拔眉毛He plucked a couple of plastic bags from the roll.他从那 ………………………………

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