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华盛顿邮报 | 遇到AI诈骗怎么办?这里有一招妙计!

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-29 16:06
Worried about AI voice scams? Luckily, I have one foolproof solution担心人工智能语音诈骗?幸运的是,我有一个万无一失的破解之术A friend recently got duped by a scam text purporting to be from his middle daughter, and transferred ?100 to an account to cover some baffling yet, according to the text, extremely time-sensitive untoward event. You can imagine how the scammer pulled that off.最近,一位朋友被一条声称是他二女儿发来的诈骗短信骗了,他把100英镑转到了一个账户上,以掩盖一些令人费解但却极其敏感的事件。可以想象一下骗子是怎么做到的。Think of everyday, low-level parental anxiety, expecting bad news when kids are anywhere farther away than the kitchen table; add the sheer believability of any bad news that starts with a 19-year-old texting: "I smashed my phone"; all a scammer has to do is lean in.想想每天,当孩子们在餐桌以外的任何地方时,父母都在焦虑,他们都 ………………………………

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