专栏名称: 月亮MovieMonthly
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◎ at the bamboo green ...

月亮MovieMonthly  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-11 00:01
at the bamboo green中国大陆|2023|11 min导演: 王晓璐Synopsis:A one take recording of a family’s visit to the bamboo green at the foot of the Helan Mountains.Director Statement: This is a corner of the world that I could only experience because of my grandmother became an ancestor. This is an experience before it is a film. Once it is a film, it expands to include more experiences. On a land where documentations are few and far between, yet a tradition survives, a people survives, chanting survives.观影链接 (免费; MAY 8 - MAY 12)https://www.prismaticground.com/2024/wave-infinity影片信息引自:https://filmfreeway.com/atthebamboogreen- 𝐅𝐈𝐍 - ………………………………

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