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“吃药”可不是eat medicine!地道说法是...20200208

英语口语每天学  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-08 08:58
       点击箭头处“蓝色字”,关注获取更多免费英文文章参考来源:每日学英语在我们的日常生活中,只要是关于吃的英文表达,大家是不是首先想到的是单词eat,如果你的第一反应是“吃”等于eat, 那在英语表达中就会吃亏的。比如说“吃药”这个短语能翻译成“eat medicine”吗?回答肯定是“No”You never eat your medicine, you always take it.你绝对不能eat你的药,而是应该用take。The reason that it will always be take and never eat, is because Prescription is derived from the Latin word recipe (ré-kí-peh), which roughly means take this. Regardless of the form, whether injected, imbibed (drank), transfused, absorbed transfermally, implanted surgically or ingested (as with pills), it will always be to take medicine.用take而不用eat的原因大致是因为Prescripti ………………………………

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